Calm the Chaos Meditation
Calm the Chaos Meditation

Chaos can be in almost everything, everywhere. Chaos can create imbalance, it can intensify fear and unleash an energetic drain that can spiral into constant energetic noise. Find the quiet within and calm the chaos.

(7 minutes in length; available in MP3 download format)


Availability: Available for download now

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In 7 minutes, Calm the Chaos! In this guided meditation, you will:

  • Calm the noise of the inside and outside chaos.
  • Bring awareness to the essence of who you really are.
  • Empower your inner self and the calm within you.

The body is designed to rest so restoration, balance and strength can imprint the mind, physical body and spiritual connection.

Find the quiet within and calm the noise!

Suggested essential oils during this meditation:
Singles: Idaho Blue Spruce, Sandalwood, Black Spruce and Cedarwood
Blends: Common Sense and Stress Away

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