Good Vibrations: Healing Your Pet (and Yourself) With Energy Medicine
Story at-a-glance - click here for Full Article
I Found my Heart Dog Build a better animal human bond… hmmmmmm… what does that really mean?
Well, let me tell you what it means from my experience. Eighteen years ago, my then fiancé and I sought out to adopt a puppy. We thought we had done so well with house plants, we should expand our responsibilities and get a dog, and perhaps one day, maybe be able to raise a child. 😊 We found this amazing little dog, a buff cocker spaniel, who won our hearts. She was in a group of other puppies all playing and biting the ears of one another. She was the only one who crawled in our laps, nestled in, and fell asleep. She was “the one”! Molly quickly earned our deep, unconditional love. She was our heart dog. Molly was athletic, smart, intuitive and reciprocated the love we had for her. She was with us through our younger years, our wedding, the birth of our first, second and third child. She grew with us; she was one of our children. Molly aged, as we all do. She became slower and less aware of daily sounds as her hearing declined. Her excited wagging tail greetings as we walked in the door became fewer and fewer.
Two months later, we met Bella. She is a black and tan cocker spaniel. When we learned that she was born on the same day that Molly crossed Rainbow Bridge, that’s all it took. Bella was all set to be our next heart dog. I wish it was that easy. This time we brought a puppy into our home with three young children, a super busy lifestyle and a lingering amount of pain from the loss of Molly. I felt that the pain of that deep loss would lessen by having another dog. It didn’t; in fact, it may have gotten worse. Disappointment, frustration, even shades of anger set in. Months went by and while our family loved and genuinely cared for our dog Bella, I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t find that heart dog connection with her. I talked with Carol Komitor, my boss and the Founder of Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA), about this missing dedication to a heart dog. She asked, “Are you doing the work?” What she meant by that is, was I using the HTA techniques I had learned in the Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) Level 1 class. I had this “well-duh” moment because I have this education and yet, hadn’t used it. I pulled out my workbook and started the Bridging™ technique. This simple process, with easy hand placements, carried through with my unconditional love and highest desire to “build a bond” with our new family dog was unbelievable. Within 20 minutes, the bridge between us was founded, and our love became connected at the heart. While not replacing our love for Molly, Bella is now our heart dog.
~May your bridges be resilient, may they last forever and
Drea Robertson
This is Mikey, he was released a few years ago and was recently attacked by a cougar. He came back to our facility and waited at the front door for someone to come help him. His injuries are very very severe and we are very surprised he is still alive. He has been receiving lots of Healing Touch for Animals® treatments. In this picture he is receiving Chi Balance™ as he comes out of anesthetic after the veterinarian cleaned his wound.
- Lisa Dahlseide
Unconditional Love
During the last day of Level 1 Healing Touch for Animals® course we were able to work with horses. The last thing we practiced during class was this technique called "Etheric Heartbeat". It is during this time standing in the midst of the unconditional love of Reno I had a profound emotional and spiritual experience. I was overwhelmed with unconditional love beyond anything I have ever felt. I was standing next to this horse and immersed in absolute love. To be able to give back to these amazing creatures which serve people in many different ways is deeply rewarding.
- Lisa Osthelder, BA, HTAP
Last Kiss
It was an AMAZING experience to bridge with the pup during her last kiss goodbye. I was at my clinic by chance running lab work on my own pup. I heard the news & asked the attending Vet and then the owners if I could do the euthanasia bridging. They all agreed. There was a little girl of 6 who was wonderful. With every story the family told, the pups energy swelled differently at the owners' most favorite part of the story. I am so moved to have been blessed to be apart of their journey. I feel I helped. I also bridged with the pup during the actual pushing of the meds. That was different. It was like I've known this feeling along but now I understand the meaning of the feeling. I know this pup went peacefully without a fight. What a blessing to have this technique in my life!
- Laura Neagle, RVT
Sara's Story
Sara came to us as a foster and she stayed. She had been terribly beaten and abused. The animal behaviorist we worked with basically said "good luck". She didn't think Sara would be able to have a normal life. That is a story in itself. She is a fairly normal dog now after much PATIENCE, energy work, including HTA, acupuncture, cranial sacral, etc.
I recently noticed that Sara had a lump on her leg. She was licking at it so I took her to the vet the week after I noticed it. A needle biopsy showed many abnormal cells and our holistic vet said that it should be removed. We were both very concerned about this because Sara has suffered so much in her life, that the whole process of surgery and recovery would be a huge set back for her emotionally. I took Sara and drove home kicking myself for not using my energy tools and prayers to handle this problem myself. Before I left the office I did make an appt for her to have it removed the next week. ( Our other 2 dogs had Valley Fever, and allergies at the time and having to deal with this and Sara was just too much at the time.)
I got home and started working on Sara with every modality that I know. Two days later I canceled the surgery appt. We started to notice a change in the size and consistency of the lump within a few days. Within 2 weeks the lump was much smaller, and 3-4 weeks before it was gone. I took her back to the vet to be retested. The doctor could not even find the lump! I knew where it was, just a slightly different texture under the skin there on her leg. The Doctor carefully took another biopsy of the area. She came back from looking at the sample and said, the sample is a little strange in viscosity but the cells are all normal, no cancer. The doctor was so happy that she gave me a high 5! (She has seen our dogs go from starved rescues at deaths door to happy well adjusted pets. Using HTA and other energy work has made all the difference.)
Rarely does a day go by where I don't do some on the dogs.
I'm glad to report also that both dogs are now healed of Valley Fever as well. (This came on after a huge dust storm over a year ago. Many animals came down with it after that storm. )
I have to thank you for teaching us HTA and making it available to anyone who wants to learn it. It is the first energy modality that I learned and is the foundation for everything else I know in this area.
By the way, for Libby's allergies, we stopped giving her allergy shots 2 years ago and have successfully treated her allergies with N.A.E.T. Lisa Madigan R.N. is the practitioner we have worked with. She can work on an animal from distance as well.
- Jean Campbell
Sparky’s Baby Because Sparky wasn’t successfully bred in 2008, we started to prepare her in spring 2009 for her role as a mother. With the Bridging™ technique, we gave her the confidence to be a good mother and that she would go to the KI facility for impregnation without stress. During her stay at the KI facility, we applied essential oils like Lavender and Valor. On a regular basis we worked with full body techniques as Hara Line Repair, and VTR on the sacral chakra with the intent to open and support the body to be the most receptive for the impregnation. This proved to be successful, because the second time Sparky was bred. During the pregnancy we continued with the HTA treatments and oils to keep Sparky in good shape, physically and mentally. After giving birth Sparky had some severe contractions for a while, so we helped her through that with the essential oil Palo Santo and Magnetic Clearing. That helped a lot and Sparky settled down. Mare and foal are now happy and healthy in the meadow. - Ria and Henriëtte Roosendaal Taiko's Miracle Taiko’s owner called me at 8:07 a.m. with tears in her voice; it looked like today was going to be the last day of her wonderful 14 year old Shiba Inu’s life and she wanted him to have a soothing energy treatment first. She told me Taiko, who has renal failure, had been very slow to wake up. He had lost bladder and bowel control and was barely able to walk. His right rear leg dragged with the toes folding backward. The owner planned to call the mobile veterinarian to help Taiko die peacefully at home. When I arrived Taiko was on blankets confined to a small bathroom. He was lying down, but his head was up and he was alert. When he tried to walk, his right hind leg could not take any pressure. I put my hands on the joints of his right rear leg, but he moved away from me, dragging the leg. His owner carried him outdoors to potty, but he wasn’t interested. He did drink some water and ate some treats. When I assessed Taiko, I was surprised to find the hara line intact, the chakras open and the spinal energy flowing (though slower toward the tail). Even the right leg was open all the way down, just slower toward the toes. My hand scan did not seem to indicate pain, but Taiko was clearly uncomfortable. He couldn’t stand long. He couldn’t sit down. Getting to a prone position was difficult. His eyes were a little squinted and dull. I used Pan-Away (for pain relief) by inhalation and ran my hands with the oil on them along Taiko’s spine and down his right leg. Because Taiko was uncomfortable and could not stay still, I asked the owner for a large stuffed dog that I could use as a surrogate. I began the Energy Frequency Balance®on the surrogate, holding each hand position for an extended time. Taiko laid down about six feet away, in sight of the owner but out of my sight. After the Frequency Balance®, I continued with the leg portion of the Chakra Balance beginning with the right rear leg. During the treatment, Taiko got up and went back to his bed in the bathroom. When the owner checked on him, he was semi-curled up, something he hadn't been able to do for some time. As I finished with the front legs, I finally felt Taiko’s energy surge through him. With my hands still on the surrogate, Taiko got up and came into the main room walking on all four legs! He stood between the owner and me and shook himself. Even his tail moved a little, which it hadn't for the past year. We were both amazed! Taiko walked around as if nothing unusual had happened this morning. I gathered my supplies. Taiko escorted me to the door and enjoyed some long body strokes before I left, looking fit and ready for the day. Instead of seeing Taiko for the last time, I had seen a miracle.
- Wanda Buckner, Ed.D., CHTP, HTAP, Reiki Mstr Mittens the Cat I attended a Level 1 workshop last September. I still work a full time job and have been striving to have HTA into my life daily.
I unfortunately have not had much time for practice sessions, but I have been meditating and reading, reading, reading. I recently purchased the grounding meditation cd from your HTA website. This has been most helpful to me.
- Andrea Gray Poodie the Poodle Poodie is a beautiful little white male poodle that came to me through my volunteer work with a rescue. His previous life in a puppy mill left this gentle boy fearful, isolated, and unable to connect with people or the world. Time after time he was overlooked at adoption fairs as he tried to be as small as possible and avoid any eye contact. When he came to me, he did bond closely although he still cringed at a gentle touch, retreated from reaching hands, and remained very wary of males. On walks, he stayed so close to me I had to be very careful to avoid tripping over him and he constantly looked at me with huge eyes as if searching for clues. I took Poodie to a level 2 workshop where Carol demonstrated Trauma Release on him. Poodie quickly melted into a little pile of fluff under Carol’s touch. As he allowed the energy to flow, his eyes fluttered shut and he totally relaxed. When the time came for the release, he refused to take a deep breath for several minutes but it finally came. We then went for a walk while the workshop attendees practiced the release techniques. Poodie trotted out with new energy, head held high, with his eyes and nose taking in everything around him. Several times he left my side to explore. As we entered the hotel to rejoin the group, we followed a couple checking in. The strange man was pushing a huge luggage cart piled with bags but Poodie trotted right in behind him with no problems. As I was filling Carol in on the changes I was already seeing, Poodie left my side again curiously approaching a group working nearby on the floor. He greeted both humans and dog. He allowed several attendees to pet him without shrinking from their touch. When we returned to our chair, Poodie took his first nice long drink of water that day, put his paws on my knees, gazed up with happy soft eyes, and allowed me to pick him up – a new behavior that he performed repeatedly! Healing Touch truly healed Poodie and has allowed him to move forward, engaged with his world.w.
-Jean Baugh, HTAP
The Story of Treasure
Treasure, was born both blind and deaf. She spent the first three years of her life living in an outdoor pen. Someone gave her food and water, but she didn’t know what it was to be part of a family – to belong. From there, she found herself in a shelter and had several more short stays in various homes until she found her way to me. Treasure has a magnificent spirit and energy about her. But when she came to me, the vet had diagnosed spinal lordosis, which was a condition in which her spine was fused in certain areas and she could not flex it, causing it to be misshapen. She was unable to put her body into a sitting position, and once placed in one, she could not maintain it. She was only able to turn in one direction easily and she would spin in that one direction most of the time. Through my knowledge of HTA techniques and theory, I was able to work with Treasure to help her body rediscover its lost potential and heal itself. Several months after Treasure came to live with me, she visited a veterinary chiropractor who was very surprised to hear about the previous diagnosis and found no signs of spinal lordosis at all! She now is much more comfortable and can sit as well as turn in both directions. Treasure now gives back healing to others as a therapy dog.
-Deb Bauer, HTAP
Cochranville, PA
Roly the Kitten My female cat had kittens and one of the kittens, Roly we called him, at the age of 6 weeks was having trouble standing. I didn't notice it at first but I realized that he was only able to stand for about 30 seconds and then would fall over. He would sit and watch the other kittens play. It broke my heart, you could see him sigh and wish that he could be playing too. I thought he may have been permanently injured. I used balancing techniques that I had learned from my Level 1 Healing Touch for Animals ® on him twice a day for two days and on the third day he was walking on his own. Well Roly is 6 months old now and there isn't a tree too big for him to tackle. I also have an 18 year diabetic cat, Maxwell and my husband found him one day meowing loudly and rigid. My husband called me immediately and told me he thought that my cat had, "had it"! I went running into the room where my cat was and recognized that he was in diabetic shock. I started chakra balancing him and immediately he was able to unlock his body and we then gave him some syrup to balance the sugar. I have also worked on people who have been in distress, working on injuries, panic attacks, fainting and headaches, etc. I feel that I have been blessed to have been able to take the Healing Touch for Animals ® Course. It gives me such a rewarding feeling to know that I can aid in Healing whether it be Animal or Human.
- Donna Arksey, HTAP
Erickson, Manitoba Canada
Charlie the Bobcat One day when the noise of heavy construction equipment working nearby had him frantic. We are afraid when he becomes this upset that he could have a heart attack, he becomes that uncontrollable and hysterical. He runs around his enclosure, leaping at the fence, tries to burrow under the structures to "hide," all the time panting, his tongue hanging out, yowling and screaming. This particular time was very bad; I was very scared and was alone with him, no other help available. When he stopped, exhausted in one corner, I began to use the Bridging™ technique, standing a few feet away. He stopped crying and rolling about and looked at me, staring as I sent intention and allowed energy to flow to him. To my surprise, he lay still, and began to calm down. In only a few minutes, he heaved a huge sigh and relaxed, stretching out his neck, changing his position to lie on one side and stretch out his legs toward me, and finally yawning, over and over again. He eventually rolled over on his back so I could approach and stroke his tummy--this was amazing, given the situation. Truly, a first! He still heard the noise and reacted but on a much lower level, as if he knew it could not hurt him. He "grumble-talked" to me, telling me all about it, almost a purr at times. I even was able to coax him to eat his lunch. I was so relieved.
So I am convinced that with more practice, I could get much better at these techniques to benefit animals (and myself as well). I no longer have any doubts that HTA works. Thank you and Kim for such an exceptional Level 1 experience. Thank you all so very much.
Chomping at the Bit
At our Level I Large Animal Class in May in Olympia, WA one of the demonstration horses, April, became very agitated and unwilling to let anyone touch her without pinning her ears, and threatening to kick. She had to be removed from the arena and replaced with another horse. After the session ended for the day, our instructor Kim Thornton worked with April in her stall and repaired her very broken Hara line. I occasionally volunteer at this equine therapy facility and Kim suggested that I follow up and work with April at least three times the following week using just the Bridging™ and Etheric Heartbeat™ treatment techniques. The first session I could only get close enough to do Etheric Heartbeat™ at a distance of about three feet. Day two, I was able to do the Bridging™ technique and touch her chest to complete the Etheric Heartbeat™ technique. Day three, April allowed me to check her chakras, bridge, and complete the Etheric Heartbeat™ technique with complete contact and no resistance. She was a very open, receptive, and trusting animal by the third day. Ears and eyes relaxed and willing to do anything I asked of her. This is just one of the results I have seen from energy work. I have since completed Level II and am "chomping at the bit" to complete Levels III and IV! Thank you Carol for your dedication and work to provide this modality of energy healing for animals!
- Diane Westbrook
Service Dogs I train service dogs to help people with various disabilities. One of the dogs in our program did not tolerate grooming very well. He was a breed that requires regular and extensive grooming, so this was an issue. His trainer worked with him religiously to teach him to be more tolerant. He was able to be groomed, but it was a struggle for even his trainer. We knew that his behavior would be difficult for someone with a disability to handle on a regular basis. So the dog was released from our program and we set about to find him a nice home as someone’s pet.
While we were waiting, his hair grew and grew. We needed to get him groomed to make him look good for people who wanted to come meet him. We called the vet to come sedate him so we could shave him and get him groomed in a stress-free manner. I was to be the person to shave him and get him groomed while he was sedated, so I waited with him for the vet to arrive.
As fate would have it, the vet was detained and was late showing up that day, and I knew I had other commitments later in the day. I started working with the dog with HTA techniques and I was able to turn on the clippers near him without upsetting him too much. More HTA, I ran the clippers over his body lightly without actually clipping his hair. More HTA, I was able to clip his body hair a little at a time. Interspersing HTA techniques in with the grooming, I had the dog almost completely clipped by the time the vet arrived.
Clipping his face would be the hardest and I saved it til last, hoping the vet would arrive by then. She had arrived, but because I was having such success, I decided to try it on my own. Thanks to HTA techniques I was able to finish grooming the dog. We decided to give the dog another chance in our training program to see if he would continue to make progress with the grooming issues. He did. He can now be groomed and clipped regularly without any issues! He has been placed and is working as a service dog with his very own person, and he is always well-groomed and proudly wears his many fancy collars to show off his new haircuts.
- Deb Bauer, HTAP
Rescue Dog (from Pit Bull fight)
I had to get some supplies for my dog at PetSmart. When I entered the store I saw a woman near the entrance standing next to a basket with a mid-sized dog in it. The dog's eyes were closed, and he had stitches all over his body and was severely swollen. I went to the woman and asked about the poor dog. She explained to me that she had rescued him. He had been used as a victim for pit bull fights – apparently the organizers pick a rather sweet natured dog who then can be torn apart by these pit bulls as people watch and cheer them on. I was aghast since I had never heard of such a dreadful, inhumane practice. I asked her whether she would allow me to do some Healing Touch for Animals® on this poor dog, and she agreed. After working on the dog over the many places of injury for about 20 minutes, I could see the tremendous swelling go down to the point that he could open his eyes. He even lifted his head and slightly moved his tail as in "thank you." I was moved to tears – partially in gratitude for being able to help this animal – partially in deep sadness for the people who can allow themselves pleasure in such horrific acts. This incident also gave me an insight into the tremendous suffering that we impose on other people and animals all over the world, and the wonderful healing tools we all carry in our hands and our hearts. It is up to us to access love.
- Ines Hoster, MS, HTCP/I, CHT
HTA session & essential oils made him kick up his heels!
Sharing a moment toward the end of a Healing Touch for Animals® session. When he returned to the pasture, he rolled, rubbed his back, got up on feet, shook himself all over twice, then kicked up his heels. Literally! - Wanda Buckner, Ed.D., CHTP, HTAP, Reiki Mstr Olympia, Washington
Ziggy the Cat
I foster animals for an animal rescue organization here in beautiful Hanover, Pennsylvania. Because of my history as a Registered Veterinary Technician, the rescue sends me a lot of animals requiring medical therapies. This is where I am most using the Healing Touch for Animals® work. A few months ago they sent me a very sweet black cat named Neal. The kids promptly renamed him “Zig Zag”, “Ziggy” for short. Ziggy was hit by a car and suffered a fractured pelvis, fractures to both femurs, and significant neurological damage which resulted in incontinence problems and no feeling or function in his tail. He also had neurological deficits to his right leg. He received surgery to place pins and plates in his left femur and pelvis, had the femoral head removed from the right leg, and required a tail amputation.
When Ziggy came to me he was unable to stand or walk. He needed to have his bladder expressed manually several times a day because the neurological damage left him without the ability to contract the bladder on his own. His treatment was complex. It began with physical therapy to keep his hind limbs from becoming atrophied. He required frequent turning to avoid pressure sores, and medications to help with bladder function and pain relief. My initial HTA techniques included clearing, trauma release, and chakra balancing. After about a week, Ziggy could drag himself to the litter box and dribble some urine. He could turn himself over and shift around enough that he no longer needed me to turn him. He remained a sweet and tolerant kitty although he did resist his range of motion exercises to those battered legs. At this point, I used more chakra balancing, more clearing and some double hand boosts to the rear legs. Ziggy loved his HTA work and would purr and roll around to help show me where he wanted work. At the second week, Ziggy’s surgical repair to the left knee broke down. I discontinued trying to get motion to the knee but continued with the hip and ankle joints. The right rear leg was flaccid, with no muscle tone at all, and lacked the neurological function necessary for him to lift the leg or control the function in his paw. Despite this, Ziggy was going to the litter box, on his own, and had regained the function of his bladder! Here I began with a chakra balance, Vertebral Release™ and the Etheric Heartbeat for Animals™. Ziggy responded so well -- I was greatly encouraged. The third and forth weeks showed a gradual increase in his use of the left leg. Despite the lack of motion in the knee he was happy to be “stood up” so he could practice zigging and zagging. He was dragging the right leg behind but learned to raise his hips to move it forward. He used the right leg as a sort of “peg leg” to counterbalance his left. Ziggy always seemed to need chakra balancing and concentrated spinal work. I became encouraged when I first saw him move the right leg forward, just a bit. As time went on, Ziggy continued to improve. He learned to pull himself up into a standing position and ever so slowly regained some neurological control of the right leg. He was dragging the right paw, top down, and some sores were beginning to form. He always seemed to know when we were going to do HTA work and would hobble over to soak it up! At this point I took him to the rescue veterinarian to find out if there were any medical options to try and fuse that right paw into a “pads down” position. There were not. Medically, once neurological function has been lost for this long, it is very unlikely it will ever return. I asked the vet if I could try bandaging the paw into the correct position to see if it would fuse that way. He said, “If you want, but don’t count on anything.” I set to work and began to visualize the paw in the correct position and held this vision as we did our HTA sessions. I tried several different bandaging techniques and after three weeks, when I took the bandage off, the paw stayed in the correct position!! It was amazing and a miracle!! It had never been done before medically and the veterinarian was flabbergasted! Today Ziggy is happy and healthy. His right paw has stayed in the correct position, and he no longer requires any medical intervention at all. He runs and plays and uses his litter box. He has even figured out how to pull himself up onto the bed to sleep with me at night. This week his picture goes up on the rescue website, and he can begin looking for his forever home. Zig Zag has been my greatest teacher to date with HTA work and has demonstrated the most amazing recovery I have ever seen in 27 years of working with animals. Thank you, Ziggy! Thank you HTA!
- Marian Beattie
Trudie the Dog
She’d had a hard life. You could see it on her face. When I took hold of her leash and spoke to her, she froze and looked at the ground. She put up no resistance as I picked her up and loaded her into my car. Now, Trudie, my newest foster dog, was on her way to yet another home...mine. After spending ten years in a puppy mill – the only home she had ever known -- the miller had taken her to the shelter, turned his back and left her all alone. The only explanation was that she could no longer have puppies for him. She was not housebroken and had no idea what it meant to be a loved member of someone’s family. She was scared and sat frozen in the corner of the cage. She was a senior. All were strikes against her finding a new adoptive home.
The shelter staff knew Trudie would not have a chance of adoption if she stayed at the shelter. They called sheltie rescue to come get her. Trudie had spent many weeks in her first foster home, but they were not prepared to deal with a dog that was so scared of everything and couldn’t be housetrained. Now she was coming to me for one more chance.
That first night, Trudie jumped onto my bed and pressed herself up against my body. She was frantic for me to comfort her, to touch me, to feel safe and secure. Even after she was touching me, she didn’t find the comfort she was looking for and continued to try to get even closer to me. Her face was in my face and I could see the frantic-ness in her eyes as she searched for some answers. I reached for her slowly and softly, allowing my hands to settle gently in her soft fur. I felt an immediate connection with the Bridging™ technique, and the fear started to melt from her eyes. The muscles in her little gray face began to soften and she licked her lips. I noticed her teeth were a bit crooked and some were missing. What a dear old dog that had such a hard start in life, always giving but never receiving what she needed back. There was a look of curiosity on her face as she felt new sensations moving through her body. After a few minutes, she relaxed even more and sank into a sitting position. Then shortly after, she lay down on the bed next to me. After 15 minutes, she was lying flat on her side with her head next to me on the pillow and her eyes closed. She was deep within her own world of peace. I left Trudie to sleep deeply next to me. She did not wake up for almost an hour, even with noises and movement going on around her. I wondered how long it had been since she was able to relax completely and get some deep sleep. This was our turning point. In the days that followed, Trudie’s connection to me and her trust of me rose dramatically. She had only been with me for a few days, yet she was following me around, seeking me out, and wagging her tail whenever she saw me. Trudie now comes to me frequently for touch and petting, but the frantic-ness is gone. She has had several more healing touch sessions and she loves each one. After using Bridging™ with Behavior Modification, we have not had any housetraining accidents at all. She had been in danger of being considered not adoptable if we could not housetrain her, so it was a huge relief to us all that she started going consistently outside! Trudie is now ready to find her own forever home. Healing Touch for Animals® has been an integral part in her healing and rehabilitation. She is learning about walking on a leash and about toys and dog biscuits. She is learning about love.
- Debbie Bauer
Charlie the Horse
My horse, Charlie, and I have been struggling with moving lameness issues for 6 years. About 4 years ago, we finally determined that he has a disease called PSSM. Even though we made all of the appropriate feed and exercise changes, Charlie has never been able to improve for longer than 4-6 months without relapsing. After a year long layoff in pasture, we tried his rehab again. All was going well for about 6 months, at which point he had a relapse. So the vets came out again and the news was not good. Charlie was sore in every joint. They tested and ruled out all known autoimmune diseases in horses. The news got worse…If there was no improvement after 60 days, they were recommending permanent retirement or worse. He’s only 11! Because we have already done everything that the vets knew to do to help Charlie, we tried what I called a “Hail Mary.” Another feed change and only hand walking for 60 days. I called this a “Hail Mary” because I couldn’t fathom how reducing his feed and exercise could help him. Knowing this was a “Hail Mary” and I couldn’t stand the thought of permanently retiring Charlie – or worse, I was searching again for other things that could help my best friend. I found HTA and took the Level 1 Course in November. I immediately began working with Charlie using these new tools. In the beginning, I wasn’t seeing much change. I was noticing that the more I practiced my techniques, the more improvement I saw, but this was still minimal – I noticed more positive behavioral changes than physical changes. Charlie still couldn’t even be hand walked for 10 minutes without having to stop. So, I did an intense Energy Session with a lot of Magnetic Clearing.
Within a week I saw MAJOR changes. Charlie could now be hand walked for 20 minutes without having any issues, and his playful, fun loving personality came out again. When the vets came for the 60 day re-evaluation (10 days after Charlie’s Energy treatment), they were pleasantly surprised! I think they thought it was a “Hail Mary” too. The vets decided that Charlie was 65% improved!!! I was giving to go ahead to slowly start working him again. Now, one month since his last evaluation (40days since the break through treatment), Charlie is now exercised almost an hour a day. This includes almost 30 minutes of trotting and 20 minutes of me actually riding him (only at a walk). I have continued with his Energy Work and massage, and I continue to see improvement every day. We have a long way to go to see if he can make it past the infamous 6 month mark, but I have lots of hope. He may never fully recover, but I know that I have helped him release some of his pain. This is evident from the vets’ evaluation as well as watching him being playful again. I feel so blessed that I found HTA. I don’t know where Charlie and I would be without it – literally!
- Susan Williamson
Indy the Dog
Indy came to us when he was six months old and was rescued from Table Mountain Animal Shelter. He was the perfect dog from day one. We never had him on a leash, he walked beside us when we rode our horses, went camping with us, and went with me to all my client appointments. He stole my heart the moment I saw him in his cage, and he never gave it back. When he was seven we had to have his left hind knee replaced. I used HTA techniques on him before and after the surgery and he healed quickly and cleanly. Shortly after that he started developing a protrusion on his right hind leg. When I took him into the vet he was diagnosed with an infiltrative lypoma which is a fatty tumor (not cancer) that, instead of lying right under the skin, wraps itself around muscles, blood vessels and bones. The vet’s only suggestion was amputation, but she was concerned that the replaced knee might not hold up under the stress. She indicated that if he didn’t have the surgery he would die of a blood clot to the brain or heart. I consulted two other vets who both suggested amputation or removal of the lypoma. However, because the lypoma could not be removed entirely and because it was fast growing, removal surgery would probably have to be done 2-3 times a year. My husband and I discussed the problem and decided to try holistic measures before resorting to surgery. I began a daily regimen of Healing Touch for Animals® techniques – Ultrasound and Laser, Magnetic Clearing for Animals™, Chakra Balance for Animals™ and a variety of other techniques. I also used essential oils (Level 3 and 4) sound therapy and Hara work (Level 4). For three and one half years, I managed to keep the tumor under control. It decreased in size and while I was unable to get it to dissolve entirely, it was not a hindrance to Indy’s movement, nor did it cause him any pain. The last six months before Indy died the tumor began increasing in size. I stepped up my program of HTA work and again was able to get it contained. However, he started having other problems with his back end and began having difficulty going up and down stairs. Five weeks before he died, a tumor in his nasal passage burst through a blood vessel and we rushed him to the emergency room.The vet was able to get the bleeding stopped but said this could happen again at any moment. She suggested that he be euthanized then and there. However, I wanted Indy to die in the home he had lived in all his life and I did not feel either of us was quite ready to let go just yet. We took him home and I began working on his nasal tumor as well as the lypoma. He was quite happy and content during those weeks. He continued to play with us, taking the three daily walks to the horses (albeit slowly) and enjoying all the extra love and attention we lavished on him. Three weeks later he let me know his time was coming and I made an appointment with a vet who did in-home euthanasias.The last four days of his life I spent helping him prepare to leave. I did daily Etheric Heartbeat and Bridging and I also did a technique from Healing Touch Level 1 called Chakra Spread. Although it was a difficult day and both my husband and I went through the "should we" or "shouldn’t we", we both knew in our heart’s it was time. Indy died peacefully in the home he loved, with the three people he loved most in the world – Don, myself and Carol Komitor. As he died both Don and I felt a great sense of peace and joy and knew that we had done the right thing. He will remain in our hearts forever. I truly feel I helped extend Indy’s life and kept him free from pain using HTA techniques. I will forever be grateful to Healing Touch for Animals®.
Chessie the Cat
I first learned about Carol Komitor's Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA) classes about four years ago and had no reservations about following my heart and traveling to Colorado on several occassions to learn about something new and exciting. Since this time, I have been greatly rewarded with numerous deeply meaningful healing experiences. The most profound was when my twin sister told me her cat, Chessie, was losing weight and not eating well. I was hoping it was hyperthyroidism but had in my mind renal failure, diabetes, cancer or heart disease as other causes. When her bloodwork came back, I had never seen anything worse in my seven years of practice. Her kidney enzymes were higher than any I'd ever seen and she was clinically severely depressed and dehydrated. I prepared Ann for the worst and gave Chessie a very poor prognosis based on past experiences with other acute renal failure cases. I only expected a few days of life and recommended euthanasia when the time was right. We kept Chessie on intravenous fluids and did all the known supportive therapies I had been taught in school. But mostly, I started the first of several sessions using HTA techniques with her. I used several different techniques taught in Carol's classes and Chessie responded with remarkable improvement and a sparkle came back into her eyes. She soon regained her appetite and her feisty personality began to come back. She swatted me a few times to let me know when she had had enough HTA for the day. After about three weeks, she developed respiratory distress (a complication from anemia, fluid therapy and vascular damage). Radiographs also indicated a possible mass in her chest. I continued to use HTA techniques in person on the weekends and I did distance healing during several weekdays. She again improved markedly and her respiratory distress almost completely resolved. She continued to do well for about two more months. Next, she became constipated and could not defecate well. We treated her medically and she improved somewhat but was still not going regularly. Ann called and said it had been several days since she had last defecated. I came up that weekend and did the Ultrasound and Magnetic Clearing for Animals™ techniques and within five minutes, she was digging in the litter box. Overnight, she defecated several times all over the house. (No worries, anywhere was fine with Ann). She did well for a few more days but then developed neurological problems from the toxin buildup in her system. We knew the time was right and euthanized her at home. She was a remarkable cat. A strong, brave, courageous cat with a heart that was limitless. I learned so much from her throughout the experience. I will never forget her or the experience I had and the healing power of Healing Touch for Animals®. Thank you so much, Carol, for showing me your compassionate teachings and for helping me fulfill my heart's desire to help animals. I am eternally grateful.
- Brooke Ferguson
Bridging Really Works My puppy Jasmine LOVED to dig holes in my yard. She is deaf, so I am unable to call to her to get her to stop. I have a large yard for the dogs to play in, but I would have to go out to her and get her attention to tell her to stop digging. And by the time I got to her, she usually had seen me coming and stopped on her own to come see me. She was not learning not to dig, and because she enjoyed it so much, it was getting worse and I had holes all over the place! HTA technique Bridging with Behavioral Change stopped her digging with only one session. She has not dug any holes since and it has been many months! My yard is safer and my dog is cleaner!
- Deb Bauer, HTAP
Rusty the Dog
I met Nancy and her then, four month old German shepherd named Rusty, two years ago shortly after Nancy adopted him from a local Humane Society. Nancy told me at the time of Rusty's first Healing Touch session, that her home was his fourth home since he was born. She described him as a normal, energetic puppy. Then about one month later, a family member was whisked away by ambulance to the hospital, and Rusty was left alone for the first time in his new home. He began showing signs of separation anxiety. It was at this time that Nancy contacted me for assistance with his emotional issues. I recommended a special blend of English Flower Essences for Rusty, along with providing two Healing Touch sessions over a course of three weeks. Nancy reported that both healing modalities provided relief from his anxiety so that all of his good qualities could develop, instead of the negative ones. Now, two years later, Nancy contacted me again with more emotional concerns regarding Rusty. The same relative who was whisked away to the hospital shortly after Rusty came to live with Nancy, his illness has progressed. Rusty has been extremely anxious due to his human companion's illness.
When Nancy brought Rusty to me on April 18, 2001, he appeared anxious, and energetically unbalanced. Nancy reported he had been experiencing bouts of vomiting during early morning hours. She took Rusty to his veterinarian, and the vet recommended breaking up his meal schedule into four portions. By doing this, the frequency of the vomiting decreased. However, the stress in Nancy's household increased. I asked Nancy what her goal was for Rusty's Healing Touch session, and she said, "I would like Healing Touch to help Rusty feel whole, balanced and to feel calmer." Knowing Rusty's history, I believed he was carrying some deeply rooted issues that may have stemmed from feelings of abandonment. He was bounced from home to home over a four month period until Nancy adopted him at the tender age of 4 months. With this knowledge, I chose the following HTA techniques: I began with the Chakra Balance because Rusty's root and throat centers were blocked. I believed he needed to be energetically balanced. I followed with the Bridging™ technique to surround Rusty with unconditional love. My intent was to prepare Rusty's energy field for the remainder of the techniques that would be utilized during his session. The most profound technique I truly believed was necessary for Rusty, was the Trauma Release for Animals™ technique. Prior to this session, I had not performed the TRT outside of taking Carol Komitor's HTA Level II class in April 2000. I hadn't had the opportunity to use this technique until now. I set the intention to help Rusty release any energy he had been holding from a traumatic life event. As a side note, Rusty was a little anxious at the beginning of this technique, but then he accepted the energy work, and eased into the healing process. As I held my intentions for the highest good of Rusty, he continued to ease into the energy work. After several minutes of doing the Trauma Release for Animals™ technique, I could sense a release coming. Rusty's breathing became faster, he started panting, and then he did a tremendously large yawn. His breathing then began to slow and resume to normal. After this technique, he was much calmer. I closed with the Bridging™ technique to anchor the release Rusty had. He even dozed off while I discussed his session with his owner. Even she remarked that his eyes looked "clearer". The eyes are the window to the soul. It only made sense that if Rusty had been carrying a traumatic experience with him, that after the release, his mind, body and soul would be more clear. I instructed Nancy to monitor Rusty's behavior. I asked that she note any changes, positive or negative, that Rusty may exhibit after this Healing Touch session. I also recommended that Nancy do the Bridging™ technique on Rusty every day, and Unruffle his energy field one to two times daily for stress reduction and relaxation purposes.
Nancy contacted me two weeks later and reported that since Rusty had the Trauma Release™ technique, she said he is more responsive, has gained more independence, and is more focused during their dog training sessions. She also said his appetite has increased and is acting like the Rusty she knew a year ago. It was such an honor for me to work with Rusty. He is a wonderful dog, with a tremendously large heart center. It gave me great pleasure knowing that I was able to help Rusty work through some issues that had been emotionally plaguing him for the past two years. I hope that he will now be able to pursue life with gusto, and be able to enjoy life as a dog was meant to, with love, play and companionship.
Fiona the Cat
I discovered Fiona at our Animal Shelter in March, 2008 – since we foster regularly for the shelter I had made a trip up there to see about her. The staff had been talking to me as she was not doing well. Her owners had allowed her to be abused at a drunken party (her whiskers were burned off on both sides of her face). Then they abandoned her to the shelter. Fiona is 10 and was not eating at the shelter so she came home to my husband and myself and 29 other precious cats and kittens. The day of the Sheridan, WY Course April 25th, 2008) Fiona had not eaten in 4 days. We had discovered, from blood work, that she suffered from kidney failure, feline herpes (bad sores in her mouth), calici virus, and mycoplasma. I knew that if something did not change I would be calling the vet on Monday morning to help her pass over. Nothing was working to help her that the vet had recommended. After the Saturday Small Animal Class, I came home and opened all of her chakras using the Chakra Balancing technique. Then I spent a few minutes using Magnetic Clearing for Animals™. I attended the Large Animal Class on Sunday and upon arriving home, my husband informed me that Fiona had started eating small amounts. She began eating her moist food again every two to three hours. One month later she continues to eat – goes outside in our safe enclosure to lay in the sun, has gained a half pound and gives us so much love. I am also using the Ultrasound technique and Vibrational Grooming™ technique. I don’t know how long Fiona will be with us; but during the time she is here I will continue using the techniques I have learned at Level 1 to help her recover from trauma and illness. She is always ready for me to work with her.
Feather the Cat
Feather is a lovely, shy cat. She was born under a trailer in the desert and knew only the outside until we adopted her and her sister at 7 weeks of age. She has lived with at least 2 dogs, her sister and 2 moms in the same house for 11 years now. She is very attached to her home and prefers the indoor life. If all the doors were open, Feather would stay in the house and probably try to keep the dogs from coming back in. Feather has always been a bit of a picky eater, so it was difficult to notice that her appetite had really dropped until she refused her morning tuna bite. That was at Thanksgiving. We watched her closely and noted that she was very quiet, hiding and sleeping more than usual and looking much thinner. We took her to our vet on Monday morning when it was clear she was not eating at all. Like most cats, Feather is not fond of going to the vet's. She does not hiss at the vet like she does at the dogs or her sister, but instead looks terrified and tries to hide. I did a quick Healing Touch for Animals® Bridging™ technique and let her know that we were taking her there to get better and to be calm and not frightened with the procedures. She endured blood draws, X-rays, IV fluids, injections and an ultrasound that day. All the technicians praised her for being so good. She even lay quietly during the ultrasound without sedation that is often required for most animals. At the end of the day, the diagnosis was either gallstones or a triad of inflammation to the liver, pancreas, and upper intestine more common in cats. Hydrated and with some antibiotics in her system, Feather home for us to entice her with treats. I did very short sequences of Unruffling, Ultrasound and Laser to reduce the inflammation and promote healing. Feather was more comfortable and did not seem traumatized by her experiences at the vet, but she still refused to eat so we took her back the next day for maintenance IV hydration, IV antibiotics and a definitive diagnosis. Feather was in the animal hospital a total of 5 days. She had surgery for gallstones; one which was totally obstructing the common bile duct. I visited her at least once everyday as well as before and after her surgery doing Unruffling while petting her. She came home 2 days after surgery with a feeding tube and instructions to keep her quiet. We kept her in a playpen covering the top. I continued Unruffling and some Laser to seal the energy over the incision. At home she curled up and purred for her tube feedings that included Unruffling. She began eating on her own the first day. As soon as we let her out of her playpen she wanted in my lap for more. She was amazing and the vets – both our regular vet and the surgeon were amazed at how cooperative she was and how quickly she recovered. In less than a week it was difficult to tell that she had even had surgery. She still had her feeding tube, a shaved tummy and an incision to remind us. Our vet decided to remove the feeding tube and stitches early as she was so well healed and too active to protect the feeding tube. Feather was our only but best and most expensive Christmas present for 2003.
Willie the Dog
Willie is a 6 year old Black and Tan American Coon Hound. He was found in the mountains of North Georgia five years ago by some friends of mine. He was dragging a severely crushed back leg, had broken ribs, many open sores and was almost a skeleton. The vet who examined him said it had been several months since he was injured. She was unable to save his leg and so it was amputated. The day after the surgery, he came to live with me. Over the years that Willie has lived with me and my family he has become radiant with health. He gets along great on his three legs and is well loved by our family. However, because he is a pure bred coon hound, and a trained hunting dog, he is constantly in search of good scent. When he does pick up a scent, he turns into a different dog. His nose goes down to the ground and he is oblivious to any commands I give him. Because he no longer has the strength to follow a scent for miles, as his breed is known to do, I have lived in constant fear that Willie will get loose, follow a scent and be unable to return home. We live surrounded by about 69,000 acres of national forest so there are plenty of places for him to run to and plenty of animals to hunt. I contacted Carol because my fears about Willie were getting to the point that I frequently had dreams of him escaping. When guests came, I was neurotic about being sure the gate was closed after they drove onto the property. I was afraid to leave him in the care of anyone else in case he should run away from them. When Carol and I talked before she did a long distance session on Willie, I told her of my fears. I was also worried about the level of pain Willie still seemed to be experiencing and I suspected he suffered from phantom pain in his lost leg. During the time Carol was working with Willie, he curled up in a tight ball and his breathing became very deep. He seemed oblivious to all noises around him. When I spoke with Carol after the session she told me she had communicated to Willie that his job had changed and he was no longer responsible for hunting. Instead he was responsible for being a companion and protector of me and my family. She also did some energy work to reweave the energy field of the phantom leg back into his body. Carol told me that the word I was to use with Willie when I took him out for a walk or when he was responding to a scent was "remember". The rest of that day he seemed sleepy and vulnerable.
The first thing I noticed after the session was that he no longer seemed separate from our family. Usually he would lie on his bed on the porch during the day. Now he made a point to come wherever we were in the house or yard and settle down nearby. He seemed to be watching us more closely. His entire energy was calmer and less distant.
When I took him out for a walk the next day, I was amazed. Gone was the frantic pulling I had become accustomed to. Instead he walked beside me in a comfortable "heel" position. When we encountered a scent and I saw his body tense, I said "remember". Instantly he relaxed and fell back into place beside me. Together we began to enjoy our long daily walks. I no longer felt like I was restraining him. We were walking together, stopping along the way to smell and look, but in an easy flowing manner. The next thing that I noticed is that he stopped his nightly barking spree at the gate after dark. Bear, dear, raccoon, possum, and panther roam our woods at night so there is plenty to get a dog's interest. Usually, when I let Willie out for his last walkabout before going to sleep in the living room, he would run down the driveway to the gate and bark like a maniac, often staying down there, barking insanely, until I was forced to put on shoes, get a flashlight and a leash and go retrieve him. Now, I let him out and when I went back 15 minutes later, he was waiting at the door to be let in! I really couldn't believe my eyes the first time it happened. Now this is our "normal" bedtime routine. Another surprising change has been with my other dog, Burdock. Since the session with Carol, he too has been more attentive. He is trained to be off leash when we walk but often, when we passed one particular place near a lake, he would take off to smell some thing that was living along the shore. Sometimes he would ignore my calls and dig a lot of holes and generally do his version of hunting. Since Willie's session, he comes when called and seems to go out of his way to keep us in sight when we are walking in the woods. It's almost as if he "listened in" on the session and overheard the message to remember. Whatever happened it has resulted in a lot more harmony between all the species attempting to live together here. But the thing that has been most amazing for me personally is the change in my dreams. Since the session with Carol I have had 3 dream in which Willie is running free and I note this without any anxiety or fear. The first time I had this kind of dream, I woke up and cried with relief. I felt as if Willie and I had entered into a relationship of mutual trust and interdependence and I didn't need to worry that he would forget about me and run away. I am very grateful for Carol and her work. She has given Willie and me a wonderful gift of understanding that I believe we both longed for but didn't know how to achieve.
Rocky the Dog
My Shetland Sheepdog, Rocky, and I have been attending HTA classes in Muskegon, MI, since 1997. Shortly prior to that year, Rocky had been diagnosed with a Sinus Bradycardia (slow heart rate) of unknown origin by Michigan State University. A normal heart rate for a dog Rocky's size is between 80-120 beat per minute. Rocky's heart rate was consistently a mere 50-60 beats per minute. Trials of medications both by injection and pill to stimulate a higher heart rate failed. I was told that Rocky's condition had the potential to escalate to fainting episodes or sudden heart failure. The only treatment option, should fainting episodes occur, was surgical pacemaker implantation. Rocky and I began seeing a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner. I had some issues that I felt would respond to Healing Touch and my practitioner was more than happy to have my beloved dog accompany me to treatment. Soon after we began our treatments, on a physical exam, Rocky's heart rate checked out at 70 beats per minute! Over the years since 1997, Rocky's heart rate is consistently 70-72 beats per minute (much closer to the norm). In December of 2002, I noticed a strange growth on Rocky. The veterinarian recommended surgical removal and biopsy, but we were concerned about his history of bradycardia. Nonetheless, the growth looked serious and he was scheduled for surgery. I work for Rocky's veterinarian and so was able to be present for the procedure. Rocky was given gas anesthesia by mask, then intubated and placed on surgical monitoring equipment. Several minutes into the procedure, I noticed that his breathing was quite irregular. My heart froze and my eyes began to fill with tears. Suddenly a voice inside my head said, "Wait, you have tools! Use them!" I immediately put my hands into position on Rocky's heart and began Etheric Heartbeat for Animals™. Within just 10 seconds, Rocky took a huge breath. His breathing became deep and rhythmic. During recovery, I performed Bridging™ technique and Magnetic Clearing for Animals™ to clear Rocky's energy field of energetic residue from the anesthesia. Rocky was standing, walking and wagging his tail an incredible 15 minutes after surgery. His surgical site was treated with Laser and Ultrasound. Although the growth was expected to return, to date no evidence of regrowth exists. Rocky is a very healthy, happy Sheltie at 11 years young. I credit Healing Touch for Animals® techniques for controlling a potentially life threatening disorder.
Garfunckel the Dog
Garfunckel was diagnosed by MRI with an inoperable brain tumor. She had lost vision in one eye and was slowly losing sight in the other. The trips to the vet during diagnosis made her very unhappy. At this particular period in her life, she would become upset as soon as she was placed in the car. Her only option for veterinary treatment was Colorado State University, School of Veterinary Medicine for radiation therapy, where she would have had to stay over for days at a time. Garfunckel clearly did not want the trips or the time away from home. To honor her wishes, HTA Treatments were engaged twice a week. These treatments decreased her pain which made harsh prescriptions with side effects unnecessary. The home sessions made her peaceful which increased her quality of life tremendously in her final days. It gave her the best medical care possible in preparing her body and spirit for the choice Garfunckel had made.
Looking back, I am so glad Garfunkel was fortunate enough to have HTA care available to her. HTA therapy is, I believe, the absolute best choice of treatment for the terminally ill to provide peace, wholeness, and readiness for completion in the final phase of life. This healing therapy facilitated her departure, and I believe Garfunckel exited like a shooting star on her journey home.
Chance the Dog
I was very excited to be learning Healing Touch for Animals® (HTA), and eager to start using the techniques that I learned. I got my first call just days after completing the HTA courses in Dewy, Arizona. Chance, a black lab, jumped out of a pick up truck, at 45 mph. She was rushed to the vet, with some very serious injuries. Her prognosis was not good. She had a lot of damage to her back end, and not knowing if there was any internal bleeding, was not expected to survive. The vet did all he could to mend and repair her, but there was a doubt that she would have control of her bowels again. Two days later she was released from the vet to go home to heal, though she was not totally out of danger. I met Chance the day after she was released, and worked with her each day for a week. I started with Ultrasound on her trauma areas, then used many of the other techniques, including Magnetic Clearing and Etheric Heartbeat™. It was evident that Chance was starting to heal, but there was still uncertainty about internal bleeding. After only a few sessions, Chance was starting to have normal bowel movements, and no signs of other problems. On the follow up visit to the vet, she had her stitches removed. The vet was amazed on her healing progress in just one week. He could not believe that this was the same dog that was not expected to live, just a week before. Chance's Mom credited the fast healing to both, to the HTA work that was done, as well as a good vet. This is just one example of how HTA works along with professional vet care. Today Chance is fully recuperated, and back to her loving, playful self. I am very eager to learn more techniques from Carol, in the next level of HTA.
Sauny the Horse
It was July in Oregon, and the sun was shining through the leaves of the old apple tree. The white plastic armchairs formed a circle around the apple spattered blue table. Jody and Patty, who board horses here and are part of this extended family, joined me after caring for their horses. Spirits were light as we told our tales about the wonders of our horse’s behavior and the lessons they taught us that day. The mood was short lived. CJ, the owner of the stable and loving caretaker of the horses, sat down in one of those white plastic chairs with a letter in her hand. She sighed sadly, "It’s about Sauny." CJ and her faithful Cody, resident Australian Shepherd, were the only ones that really paid much attention to Sauny. The bay Arabian stallion retired here after a successful show career at the age of 17. He had been trained and brought to championship in Halter, Western Pleasure, English Pleasure, and Driving. The owner, Henry, thought so much of this horse, that after 17 years of service, he retired him to this wonderful place in the country. The expectation was that Sauny would die within a year of two. He was old and Henry just wanted him to be kept comfortable. Henry faithfully paid for the care for 11 years, each year checking to see if the stallion was still alive. He was. The letter said that Henry was retiring and could no longer pay for Sauny’s care. CJ was to have Sauny put down or given away.
We were shocked at this news. It’s true that we didn’t pay a lot attention to the horse. But, he lived here. He was happy, bright, spirited, and healthy. He was part of the family.
Sauny knew that something had changed. The stallion that usually raced the fence watching the mares was now just standing in his paddock. His beautiful brown head drooped in the July sunshine and his eyes were downcast and glazed. CJ and I worried, "Do horses get depressed? Does he think his days are numbered and that he isn’t wanted anymore?" We asked Jody to talk to Sauny. She is an experienced animal communicator and confirmed our concerns after her conversation with him. She was sure that Sauny wouldn’t make it.
The idea of putting this beautiful horse to sleep was unthinkable for any of us. Several years ago he was moved to another stable and refused to stay there by tearing up the fences. Finding a new owner and moving him to a new place wasn’t an option. What could we do? We wanted to keep him here, and decided to adopt him. We’d share in the cost of care. Paying for care would take care of the basic needs, but what about the lethargy and depression? My heart said that he needed more. I am a Registered Nurse and a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner. I love to put my hands on the horses and see them relax. I love to put my hands on the horses and feel their strong energy and love. I wanted to start working with Sauny. Each week, I would walk the gentle bay stallion to the arena. He would roll and groan happily in the soft sawdust. After a few minutes of walk, trot, and canter exercises, I would brush his coat and his beautiful black mane, and then begin working on him, sending the healing energy being focused for his highest good. I had no expectations, just love for the beautiful horse. Every Tuesday Sauny was waiting for me at the door to his shelter, waiting for his treatment and our time together. Some days, he would almost put the halter on himself. We kept our weekly date for a year when things changed. I had already worked with him that week and was ready to leave for the day. Sauny started banging on the door of his stall. Now, this is common practice for him when it comes close to feeding time, but something was different. It was like he was calling me. "Ok," I reply. "I’ll take you out." I fastened the halter on him and led him to the arena. He stood in the middle of the arena and looked at me. CJ peeked in the half door and asked, "Do you want to ride him?" "Sure," I replied. CJ smiled and said, "I got the idea on Monday that maybe you’d like to do that. I think it was really Sauny"s idea." It didn’t occur to me that the fact that he hadn’t been ridden in 12 years could be a problem. We cinched the worn English saddle as he stood quietly. I got on. Brown head with sparking dark eyes are at attention immediately. The graying black mane flows along the arched neck. His back is punctuated by the lift of his tail. Strong legs are squarely set on black hooves. There is a light in the arena that wasn’t there before. The human hearts are filled with the glow from Sauny. Our eyes fill with tears. He is proud. He hasn’t forgotten a thing. He wants his rider with him. He is so happy. Twelve years he had waited. Twelve years no one had ridden him. My heart is soft and I love him. Sauny turned 31 years old July 23, 2002. Happy Birthday, Sauny.
Raven, Appie, and Henry the Horses
Raven, a black Paso Fino, Appie, an Appaloosa, and Henry, whose origin is unknown, came to me because no one wanted them or could take three stallions. They came from a place where two of them were in a sea of mud with nine other horses. Raven, was never let out of his stall in the barn and he was seen eating the manure in the stall because that was all there was to eat. Henry, the smallest, did not have any mane or forelock of hair because the other horses ate it for nourishment. All three were on the verge of starvation and exposure to the elements. They would have never survived the Ohio winter that we had this year. When the sheriff went into the barn there was not a bag of feed - empty or full - not a piece of straw or hay. No one knows how long it had been since they had been fed. We had a drought in the summer , so there was not even grass to eat. With a lot of love, good nutrition and Healing Touch for Animals®, the boys are now doing well. When the Humane Society and our local veterinarian came to inspect and weigh the boys, they were overwhelmed by the change. They had gained the most weight of the group (with the exception of an adult Percheron). Their personality and behavior had changed as well. They went from scared, nervous and misbehaving boys to confident, secure, handsome gentlemen. Henry has lots of mane now - time for a haircut in fact. All of them have beautiful slick coats. I believe that keeping the horses energy balanced was instrumental in their recovery process. This recovery process continues as does the energy work with them. Appie had an eye problem that was healed in one day utilizing HTA techniques. I didn't even have the chance to use the antibiotic ointment from the veterinarian. Patrick, the Belgian ColtI volunteer energy work on a horse farm near my home in Nova Scotia. One of the farm's mandates is to provide care for horses in transition. This may take the form of rest, rehabilitation, retraining or simply allowing them a safe space to pass over. In the summer of 2003, there had been four, unexpected deaths in close succession; including the loss of a two day old foal. These deaths had left all involved feeling rather weary and discouraged. I was at a low ebb when I arrived for the level 3 HTA in Denver in August but soon felt re-energized surrounded by the good people and new learning at the clinic. I returned home to find a new born Belgian colt. His mother, Rose, had an uncertain future until she arrived at the farm late in her pregnancy. We all basked in the affirmation of this new life. Our joy was short lived. A week later I received a phone call from Raven, the farm manager, that made my heart sink; the colt was unwell. I rushed to the farm and found him lying very still with dull, staring eyes. I knelt by his side and did the Etheric Heartbeat™ technique. As I finished, the vet arrived, looking as apprehensive as we both felt. While assisting the vet by holding the mare and foal I was able to continue sending energy. The vet suspected septicaemia and administered antibiotics to the colt. He left saying, "Well, we'll know in a few hours." Raven had over thirty horses to tend so I stayed with the foal. He lay still with his head on my lap while I did the newly learned Chi™ technique and repeated the Etheric Heartbeat. This time I included his Mom in the intention to aid his choice.
When I finished Pat rose to his feet and began nursing from his Mom, which he had not been able to do for several hours. He just drank and drank, a heart-lifting sight as we had been worried about his lack of nursing. He remained on his feet, alternating between nibbling at the hay, going to his Mom for a drink and coming back to me for energy pats.
When Raven returned an hour later, Pat was bright eyed, steady on his feet, and more like his own sweet self. In the days that followed he continued to improve under our watchful scrutiny and his Mom's relaxed gaze. Today, at four months, Pat remains a serious, gentle, loving "little" guy who is always a joy to visit.
Knobby the Horse
Our 11-month-old colt, Knobby, got colic. He was lying down on his side, and wouldn't get up. Of course, no one can get a 500 lb horse up if he doesn't want to... We called two vets and a friend we thought might have some Bantamine on hand. This happened at 5:30 p.m. No one was answering, so I started in on energy work. I did magnetic Clearing, modulated energy on his belly, and even did some Etheric Clearing for Animals™. After about 15 minutes, he stood up! My husband started walking him and I tried to continue the Magnetic Clearing for Animals™ while he was up. Ten minutes later, Knobby pooped out some diarrhea, and he was definitely better! One of the vets answered our call at 10 p.m., and our friend came by with the Bantamine about that same time. But by then, Knobby was doing great!! We never did give him any medication at all. We had a happy ending to a very scary situation. Little Ote' the Horse
I would like to share with you a wonderful healing success. I first met Lil Ote' when he was a two-year-old gelding, bred to be a competition cutting horse. His personality was light-hearted and joyful. He was eager to learn and eager to please. He also carried a sassy, playful teen-age presence that made a person instantly like him.
Ote' was presenting lame and the veterinarians diagnosed OCD lesions in both hocks. Ote's trainer called me in to use Healing Touch to help him with his pain. We also knew Ote' would be having surgery to remove the lesions in two days. The basic Healing Touch balance, pain relief and clearing techniques were used to help Ote' prepare for surgery and to speed his recovery. Daily treatments were given before and after surgery, then weekly full-body balancing and clearing was done. Each session with this horse displayed a greater expansion and strength of the energy field. Ote' responded easily to the Healing Touch work and was back to full training in 6-8 weeks with no soreness. Healing Touch helped this top athlete clear, balance and strengthen his energy field, thus affecting the health and endurance of his physical body. Lil Ote' won the Pacific Coast Cutting Horse Association Futurity in November, 1996 in Burbank, CA.
Flirty McGuerty the Horse
Flirty McGuerty is a 9-year-old thoroughbred mare. She has foaled three times but has always been extremely difficult to get in foal. In the spring of 2002, she gave birth to a beautiful filly. She had no problems with the birthing process.
Cathy Jacob of Crosswind Farm in Okeana, Ohio told me they had planned to breed Flirty McGuerty in her nine-day heat cycle. She did not have a nine-day heat cycle. They put her on Regimate and checked in 14-18 days. Nothing. They tried Prostaglandin. Nothing. They did everything possible to stimulate Flirty McGuerty but she did not cooperate.
Kathy Veder called Cathy Jacob on a Sunday morning in June to say hello and check on Toby, the Jacob's dressage horse. Kathy had done some Healing Touch for Animals® techniques on Toby earlier in the year. Kathy learned that Toby was fine. The problem at Crosswind Farm was Flirty McGuerty. They had given up successfully breeding her this year. Instead of breeding 7 out of 7 of their mares in 2002, they were going to have to be satisfied with 6 out of 7. Kathy Veder offered to come to Crosswind and work on Flirty McGuerty. Cathy Jacob was relatively confident that Kathy Veder's "magic hands" (Healing Touch for Animals®) was not going to help. However, she also knew that Kathy's work would not hurt the mare. So Kathy came that same Sunday. She worked on and around the mare, said something about her being blocked, something about cleansing. She worked and worked with her "magic hands" and her pendulum. The following Wednesday, the vet was at Crosswind. Just in case, Cathy asked him to check Flirty McGuerty. "She has a 35mm follicle! How soon can you get her to Kentucky to be bred?" Unfortunately, two weeks after she was bred, the ultrasound showed nothing. They were done. It was too late in the season. They planned to begin again in February 2003. About 2 1/2 months later, Cathy noticed that Flirty was beginning to put on weight. She looked fat. Actually, she appeared to be in foal. The next time the vet was at Crosswind, Cathy asked him to check Flirty McGuerty to determine what was wrong to cause such a noticeable weight gain. The vet checked her and replied, "There is nothing wrong with Flirty McGuerty except that she is about 3 months in foal!" Cathy Jacob is ready to give Kathy Veder the credit. She feels confident that without the intervention of Healing Touch for Animals®, Flirty McGuerty would not be bred. Cathy does not understand Healing Touch for Animals® or how it works, she just knows that Kathy Veder's "magic hands" have helped two of her thoroughbreds in the last year. I asked Cathy if she noticed anything different about Flirty McGuerty's temperament after Kathy's Healing Touch treatment. She said, "Flirty McGuerty is an even tempered mare and has never shown erratic behavior. I know this is subjective, but she did appear to be more calm." Cathy added that she understands clearly the importance of touch when training her "babies". Touch is critical in bonding, teaching, soothing. Her horses respond differently to the touch of the flat hand vs. the fingertips. In closing, Cathy just reiterated that she and everyone at Crosswind give Kathy Veder the credit. They are not certain what she does or how she does it. They are just happy that it works!
Flirty's Filly Update: The photo above, taken July 4, 2003, shows Flirty with her filly, who is out of Kentucky Derby winner Grindstone.